Corevital APB Filters
Corevital APB capsule filters incorporated with hydrophobic PVDF membrane are especially designed for the sterile filtration of air and gas. These filter capsules provide high air flows and 100 % removal of bacteria from air and gases, even in the presence of high humidity and moisture. CorevitalTM APB Gas filter capsules could be integrated within gamma-irradiatable or gamma-sterilized complex systems such as biorectors, or transfer sets where venting is required.

Filtros PolyRolled (RMF-CR)
Los filtros de profundidad Cobetter PolyRolled están hechos de microfibra enrollada continuamente (para un total de 56 capas). Las capas externas están construidas con un tamaño de poro graduado, mientras que las capas internas tienen un tamaño de poro estable. Esto proporciona un área de filtro grande y alta eficiencia.

Aegivast AFL filters
Aegivast™ AFL gas filters are made of 0.2μm-rated hydrophobic PTFE membrane, offering highest removal efficiency for bacteria and particulates from air and gas. Also the strong construction of Aegivast AFL gas filters offers enhanced steam resistance. Consequently, they are highly recommended for sterile filtration of gas, air in pharmaceutical, biological liquids and fermentation industries.

Absoguard Filters
Cobetter Absoguard filters are constructed all polypropylene media and provide absolute and accurate efficiency for the retention of particles in most critical applications. It combines high dirt holding capacity with longer service life and high flow rates.

CSD Lenticular Filter
Cobetter CSD Series Filters use high purity lignocellulose composite material and an inorganic filter aid agent. Its inner crisscrossing three-dimensional structure allows it to be a depth filter and provide excellent filtration efficiency, high dirt holding capacity, and longer lifetime. Filter paper is manufactured using super-matic production lines. All raw materials are tested by a strict quality control process to ensure filter quality and good performance in any application.

FluoroPV Filters
Cobetter FluoroPV® Filters are made of unique hydrophilic PVDF membrane characterized by ultra-low extractables and protein binding. They are specially developed for the removal of particles and microorganisms in applications where maximizing protein recovery is critical.

DN66 Filter
Cobetter DN66 filter cartridge is made of dual layer of inherently hydrophilic Nylon 66 membrane. They are designed for prefiltration, bioburden reduction , sterilization filtration and mycoplasma removal of biopharmaceutical and biological liquids.

Duredunty Filters-Sterilizing Grade & Mycoplasma Removal
Cobetter Duredunty® filters are consisting of double layer PES membranes and designed for sterilizing grade filtration and mycoplasma removal in special application of biopharmaceutical process.

Filtros DPSV
Los filtros Cobetter DPSV consisten en una membrana PES asimétrica y una membrana PVDF hidrófila única caracterizada por extraíbles ultra bajos y unión a proteínas. Están especialmente desarrollados para la esterilización por filtración de fluidos biofarmacéuticos como los materiales de recolección de células.

TFF Ultra-filtration Series - Cassettes
Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) is an efficient separation and purification method commonly used during the production process of biological and blood products and vaccines which have a molecular weight of 1-1000kda. It is essential to choose the proper cassette material to ensure efficient process downstream.

APSGF Filter
Cobetter APSGF filters are made of Glass Fiber membrane and PES membrane. They are designed for the filtration of particles, colloids, lipids and microorganisms and bioburden reduction to protect the sterile filtration of biopharmaceutical liquids.

Filtros DPSGM
Los filtros Cobetter DPSGM utilizan una membrana PES de doble capa única. Están diseñados para la filtración de una amplia gama de productos farmacéuticos y partículas, a la vez que proporcionan caudales superiores y alta eficiencia de eliminación de partículas. Idealmente para el control efectivo de la carga biológica y la protección de la filtración final.

GlassFlow Filters
Cobetter GlassFlow filters are made of super fine glass fiber media and polypropylene filtration layers, offering inherently absorptive characteristic that enhances filter retention capacity. These filters are designed for the clarification of liquids containing gel, lipids and protein. They have high dirt holding capacity and excellent particle removal efficiency making them strong protection for prefiltration and sterilizing grade filters.

Filtros FluoroPV
Los filtros Cobetter FluoroPV® están hechos de una membrana de PVDF hidrófila única caracterizada por extraíbles ultra bajos y unión a proteínas. Están especialmente desarrollados para la eliminación de partículas y microorganismos en aplicaciones donde maximizar la recuperación de proteínas es crítico.

Filtro DN66
El cartucho de filtro Cobetter DN66 está hecho de doble capa de membrana de nylon 66 inherentemente hidrofílica. Están diseñados para prefiltración, reducción de carga biológica, filtración de esterilización y eliminación de micoplasma de líquidos biofarmacéuticos y biológicos.