Corevital APB Filters
Corevital APB capsule filters incorporated with hydrophobic PVDF membrane are especially designed for the sterile filtration of air and gas. These filter capsules provide high air flows and 100 % removal of bacteria from air and gases, even in the presence of high humidity and moisture. CorevitalTM APB Gas filter capsules could be integrated within gamma-irradiatable or gamma-sterilized complex systems such as biorectors, or transfer sets where venting is required.

Aegivast AFL filters
Aegivast™ AFL gas filters are made of 0.2μm-rated hydrophobic PTFE membrane, offering highest removal efficiency for bacteria and particulates from air and gas. Also the strong construction of Aegivast AFL gas filters offers enhanced steam resistance. Consequently, they are highly recommended for sterile filtration of gas, air in pharmaceutical, biological liquids and fermentation industries.