• Hydropure DI Water Purier Effectively remove metal ions from ultra-pure water. Ensure stable output of ultra-pure water.
  • Filtro de cartucho Pre-RO Prifend Long Lifetime Prifend está diseñado con una estructura de poro graduada única que garantiza una alta eficiencia de retención y capacidad de retención de suciedad y una vida útil más larga en comparación con los filtros de fusión por soplado normales.
  • Apesfend Electronic-Grade DI Water Fine Filtration Filter Apesfend constructed of a highly asymmetric PES membrane. Widely used in DI and ultra-pure water filtration, its features include low ion release, good conductivity recovery ability, inline flushing time reduction, and high retention efficiency.
  • Prifend High Flow DI Water Filter Suitable for high flow rate filtration design. Large filtration area,High dirt holding capacity. Easy to install and replace , small occupying area, economic.